Knowledge is power. Knowledge can be lifesaving when education is about how to stay healthy and prevent disease!

Africa Oasis is committed to incorporating health education into every activity. Health teachings that are appropriate for the local context and practical learning materials aim to provide the tools needed for improved health.

From teachings on nutrition to education on malaria prevention or demonstrations on handwashing and hygiene, Africa Oasis provides teaching on various health issues that many African communities face. We aim to empower families and communities through education.

Our strategies focus on local church partnership by using local resources to address local challenges because we know that LOCAL LASTS LONGER. All net proceeds go to designated projects and programs. Thank you for your support.

Burundi is a beautiful forested country in East Africa. However in the midst of this beauty it struggles with endemic malaria, contaminated water that contributes to severe diarrheal disease in young children, and other health challenges. When the Burundi Assemblies of God learned that the new missionary associate was a Registered Nurse they were thrilled. She was immediately asked to give seminars on women’s and children’s health issues.